
Top 10 Reasons to Visit Anythink Libraries in Thornton and Brighton

By Leslie Risley, Macaroni Kid Thornton-Northglenn-Brighton February 19, 2014
  1. It's Free! It's free to obtain a library card, and even your kids can get their very own cards for checking out books.
  2. It's Good for the Brain. Read to your child. Read with your child. Read to yourself. The best way to get better at reading is to read. Obviously. Bring your pre-readers to the library and let them take "picture walks" through the books, and make up their own stories to go along with the pictures. Let your children observe how much you love to read, and they will be more likely to love it themselves.
  3. It's Relaxing. When my kiddos are wound up beyond belief, a trip to the library where it's calm and quiet can help bring them back down to earth. For me, it's kind of like making the kids play "The Quiet Game." :o)
  4. You Can Check Out More Than Just Books. You can borrow music CDs, books on CD, and movie DVDs. Is there an exercise DVD you've been wanting to try? Maybe your local Anythink has it.
  5. Free Classes & Clubs. All of the Anythink Branches have free classes, from newborn "mommy/daddy and me" classes all the way up to adult classes. The MKTNB calendar lists all the classes for newborns through grade 12.
  6. The Studio. The Studio at Anythink Wright Farms is a digital learning lab where teens can hang out, mess around and geek out with the latest in digital technology...and it’s all about creation at The Studio at Anythink Brighton. Whether it’s textiles, robotics or DIY crafts, this makerspace has something hands-on for teens of all interests. Learn more about The Studio here.
  7. Free Wifi. I work from home, but sometimes it's good to get out of the house and "camp out" somewhere. My closest Anythink is the Wright Farms branch, where they have a little cafeteria with snacks and drinks. If I have the kiddos with me, I can sit in the children's section and let them do their thing while I work.
  8. Computers. If you don't have a computer at home, or the entire family is sharing a computer, you can use one of Anythink's computers, free of charge.
  9. It's Close! There are four Anythink libraries in the Macaroni Kid Thornton-Northglenn-Brighton area: Anythink Brighton, Anythink Huron Street, Anythink Wright Farms, and Anythink York Street. Click here for addresses, hours, and contact information for all Anythink branches.
  10. You Can Request Almost Any Book You Can Think Of. A few months ago I was searching for a specific cookbook in the Anythink catalog. They did not have it, so I requested it through interlibrary loan (where you borrow books from farther-away libraries at your local branch). The librarian looked up the title and decided it was a good one for the Anythink collection, so purchased a few copies. Now that's what I call service!
Do you have any reasons to add to this list?