
What is Reiki? A Great Addition to Self Care!

April 30, 2019

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you knew something was holding you back, but you weren’t sure what it was? Or had something huge happen in your life, and knew you needed help moving through it? Have you had the tools to handle these life experiences? I’d love to suggest reiki as one of those tools!

I’ve recently added Reiki to my self care practice, and as I become more aware of the energy moving through my body, it’s something I can’t live without. As I approach my 40th birthday, I feel myself finding a more stable footing in life, which I’m grateful comes with age. And I know that process has been influenced and expedited greatly by what I’ve learned through my reiki sessions.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural form of medicine that helps clear energy blockages that occur within the body from stress, trauma, or old patterns of thinking that no longer serve us. 

Why do we have to clear the energy blockages? Stress hits us at the mental level and then sinks down into our emotional level. If it’s not resolved, these emotions manifest into physical symptoms and even illness. Reiki helps remove these blockages so the body can heal from the inside out.

What’s great about reiki is that it is completely non-invasive – no pressure or needles are used. It’s great for adults, but also for kids because of this! My daughter loves going to visit Kristi, she really looks forward to their time together. (More on kids visits in a later article!)

Why see a Reiki practitioner?

Reiki can be beneficial for so many things that come up in our daily lives, especially:

  • Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  • Pain Reduction and Management
  • Auto-Immune disease
  • Digestive Issues
  • Strengthening the Immune System
  • Clearing Toxins
  • Insomnia and Restful Sleep
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Infertility, Pregnancy and Birth Support
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Trauma/PTSD

Why see Kristi for Reiki?

Kristi's health and healing career journey began in 1997 when she became a certified massage therapist. This began her fascination of healing and the human body, which led her to become a certified holistic health coach in 2011. She then did her reiki master training in 2013, yoga teacher training in 2016 and Reiki teacher training in 2016. Since her Reiki training and witnessing the amazing healing that can happen, she decided to retire from massage therapy and now has a full time practice doing what she absolutely loves….Reiki Energy Healing.

Kristi also has a lot of experience with kids. She owned Stretch-n-Grow, a kids fitness, nutrition and mindfulness business, from 2004 - 2016. She has completed yoga training specific for children as well as a children's mindfulness program.

Check out a recent Facebook Live that we did introducing everyone to Kristi:

What happens at a Reiki session?

On your first visit, you’ll chat with Kristi about what you’re hoping to accomplish with reiki sessions. She may ask some questions based on what she’s feeling with your energy (which is so strange, I don’t know how she can feel stuff going on in my body the instant I walk through the door!)

Then you’ll lay down on her massage table, she’ll offer you an eye pillow, and you can go to the land of in between while she works. She doesn’t talk while she’s working, it’s pure relaxation. I usually find myself hanging out in between sleep and awake. 

(We’ll talk more about visits for kids in a later article, but know that they’re very different. She is talking to them through the treatment and has them see what she’s doing during the clearing session.)

While you’re lying on the table, she works through the different chakras, starting at the feet and ending at your head. Sometimes she’ll place a hand on your body in a specific area, or she’ll use aromatherapy at a certain point. It all depends on what she’s trying to clear or heal.

Sometimes, even though my eyes are closed, I can tell where she’s working because I see or feel something as part of the clearing. On my first visit when she was clearing my heart chakra, I felt a big thud as the energy cleared. On another visit, she was working near my throat chakra, and I had a coughing fit (just energy clearing itself out). On my most recent visit, there was so much energy to clear, when she touched my feet, it felt like she had turned on a mega faucet and it all started to drain out. It’s strange, but when you know what’s happening, it’s so cool! I have a friend who says that she’s felt like she’s levitating above the table during a clearing session.

After the reiki portion, you’ll sit and chat about the things that she felt and saw during your treatment. It is truly amazing what she sees and the connections she makes between your energy and your life. She’s always spot-on about things I can focus on and take with me in my life. She has a phenomenal gift, I’m so glad I’m able to benefit from it!

How much does it cost?

Reiki sessions are $70, and as a Mac Kid you’ll get a discount of 20% off your first session! (Which brings the first visit to $55). The first visit will take about two hours, and subsequent visits will be about 90 minutes.

Reach out to Kristi to chat more about reiki or setup an appointment at 303-944-4498 or on her Facebook page.