
WOW! Children's Museum Reopening for Play February 3rd

By WOW! Children's Museum February 3, 2021

With Boulder County’s recent move back to Level Orange on the state’s COVID-19 dial, WOW! Children’s Museum in Lafayette will begin a phased reopening to the public on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.  

WOW! is excited to once again welcome back visitors and members with health and safety as the Museum’s top priority. The Museum remains committed to a safe museum experience just like WOW! did when it reopened in August 2020 and will continue to offer modified operations and exhibits that adhere to municipal and state guidelines and requirements related to COVID-19.  During the first phase of this February reopening, the Museum will be operating with limited visitor capacity and reduced hours on Wednesdays - Saturdays. 

WOW! remains dedicated to inspiring children to learn through play with successful new protocols firmly in place: 

  1. Timed ticketing for all visitors.  Tickets must be purchased in advance on WOW!’s website or over the phone. 
  2. Limiting business hours to allow for more frequent deep cleaning in between visitors. 
  3. Open Wednesdays to Saturdays from 10:00 am-12:00 pm 
  4. Limiting capacity to 50 visitors per time slot. 
  5. Greatly reducing the number of handheld toys throughout the Museum. Each family will use an individual “WOW! Pack” of items ensuring less cross-contamination. 
  6. Performing rigorous cleaning of exhibits and common spaces by using hospital-grade cleaners. 
  7. Conducting regular maintenance on our HVAC system. WOW! has upgraded its HVAC filters, and has installed UV lights, based on professional advice to provide the highest air quality possible. 
  8. Providing hand sanitizer stations around the Museum. 
  9. Staff will be wearing PPE and providing contactless check-in. 

 WOW! reminds visitors and members to play it safe!  The Museum requires visitors to follow these guidelines: 

  1. To stay at home if you or anyone in your family are feeling ill or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. 
  2. Face masks are required if you are age 11 or older and are strongly recommended for ages 3-10. 
  3. Maintain a 6-foot distance from visitors not in your family or group. 
  4. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. 
  5. Follow WOW!’s directional signage and instructions from staff. 

 “Young children need opportunities to play and explore, now more than ever, so we are delighted to open our Museum doors once again,” said Joanna Cagan, Executive Director, WOW! Children’s Museum. “We have missed seeing families in person, and are so grateful for everyone’s patience as we do our best to keep our guests and staff healthy. With limited capacity, our budget will remain very tight, and we could not do this without the generous financial support of our members and community.”  

Learn more about their reopening here:

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