
Publisher's Note - July 17th - Summer Camp Success

July 17, 2024

Hello Macaronians!

Our kids had a fantastic first week of camp—I think it was the best one they've ever had! 

What were we up to last week?

We picked the kids up on Saturday and were dropping them back off on Monday, so during the few-day overlap, we rented a condo in Keystone for a little mountain R&R. The condo had a pool, and I enjoyed spending time in the water with the kids. We did lots of laundry and repacked their bags, and the kids were delighted to reunite with their electronics! But we also had some yummy homemade food and played games together. My husband and I had a night on either end to ourselves there and enjoyed the quiet and cooler mountain temps.

One negative aspect of our trip was dealing with the management company of the condo we rented, which turned out to be a nightmare. They were unprofessional, shady, and definitely out to screw us out of extra money. If you rent a property on VRBO or Airbnb and a property management company is listed, I highly recommend doing some due diligence on them before making any payments. If I had searched them on the BBB and Yelp, I would have run far, far away!

What are we up to this week?

We dropped the kids off for another week again on Monday, and I know they're having another fantastic week! But it's very quiet around here again!

Somehow, I always plan to be super productive while they're gone, but then I dilly-dally because I think I have so much time, lol. But I'm taking the time to rest while they're gone, too!

On Friday, the Westminster Polka Dot Powerhouse group is having its annual pool party, and I'm so excited! The theme is a cultural potluck, which I think is so unique. Everyone will bring a dish that has some cultural relevance for them, and it will be a great way to learn more about each other. Since joining this group in December, I've been thrilled at how welcoming and genuine all the members have been. It's been a great addition to my professional networking and personal level, too.

My son's birthday is on the 25th, so we're hosting our group of friends at our house this weekend to celebrate. I'll buy an escape room kit from Etsy to keep the kids busy, and my son requested a cotton candy machine. Other than that, the kids will run around and play, and we'll have pizza and cake. Super low-key and fun. Later in the week, he requested Bounce Empire with a couple of school friends on his birthday.

When the kids return from camp, we'll hit the ground running for the last few weeks of summer break. They're doing two final camps - mountain biking with Cyclerie and Dungeons and Dragons camp with The Arts HUB. And we'll sneak in the Adams County Fair, too, where they'll show their animals. It will be a whirlwind, but I'm looking forward to soaking up the last few weeks of summer. (We still haven't been to Dickens Farm yet, I'll have to squeeze that in somewhere!)

So that's all for me this week. I hope you have a great week with your kids, and I'll be in your inboxes next week!

Peace, love, and macaroni,
